As first time buyers with quite specific needs, we were nervous about choosing a mortgage advisor and worked hard to find the right person and company. Charlie Bryson gave my partner and I the confidence we needed to go ahead. He was honest and transparent in a way nobody else we spoke to was, and guided us through the process with expert knowledge that was clearly over and above the “advice” other mortgage advisors had given – in those cases it was quickly blatantly obvious that some advisors from other companies we explored had no idea what they were talking about, and Charlie was there to explain what was what and set our minds at ease, so it didn’t take us long to choose Charlie and UKMM! We had quite specific needs and Charlie was quick to identify the right mortgage for us, and was able to explain exactly why he’d chosen that provider in reassuring detail. Thanks also to Chloe who administered our mortgage application seamlessly, delivering things not just on-time but ahead of the deadlines she set out with us. We would absolutely look to work with Charlie and UK Moneyman again if we decide to move in the future.

Date Last Edited: August 18, 2024